In Christianity, Jesus Christ is a big deal, and at Generation Now International, it's all about Jesus Christ and what He did for me and you to reconcile us back to God!

God chose to send His only son to live on this earth as a real man. He was 100% God and 100% man, and his name was Jesus. He lived on this earth for only a short period of time. At the age of 30, He entered into His ministry as His custom was and by the age of 33, He had impacted 12 disciples and more with His radical teaching of freedom, grace, forgiveness, overcoming and power. Jesus didn't come and just talk a good talk, but He gave us an awesome example on how to live our lives. Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that He has come to give us life and life abundantly, and we can experience that right here on earth if we live for Jesus the way He lived for us. He wants us to experience life, not just life, but life abundantly.

Jesus died in a way that one would not have foreseen coming as a King, and the God of the Universe was spit upon, whipped, slapped, hit, tortured and pierced. He suffered the worst death anyone could have experienced, yet He did it all for you. Jesus paid the full price. He accomplished something that none of us could have done. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and reconciled us back to God the Father. None of us are or have been perfect in our own strength, but through Jesus Christ, we are being made perfect in God's eyes. We will continue to make mistakes and fall, but every time we make a mistake, Jesus Christ is right there telling us to get back up, Give it to Me!, and becomes our advocate before the Father in Heaven.


We can't explain how He did it, but we know that Jewish History tells us that Jesus' Resurrection is true. Real people who walked along side of Him, seen Him crucified and resurrected from the dead, believed it to be true. They believed it so much that they gave up their life for Him. WE believe it to be true as well.

If you don't believe that to be true, that's OK and we hope someday you will. Until then, we invite you to learn a little more about Him every time you come and visit us at His Presence Church (www.hpcaz.org).